New pages
- 12:30, 25 March 2019 Übersicht Energiedaten overview energy (hist) [57 bytes] Antonio (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Media:Ubersicht_Energiedaten_overview energy data.pdf")
- 12:28, 25 March 2019 20171211 Wärmebedarfsatlas LB (hist) [43 bytes] Antonio (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Media:20171211_Warmebedarfsatlas_LB.pdf")
- 12:22, 25 March 2019 20171211 Anschlusspotentialatlas LB (hist) [49 bytes] Antonio (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Media:20171211_Anschlusspotentialatlas_LB.pdf")
- 17:09, 5 March 2019 Structure of data collected during heat source survey in Grodzisk Mazowiecki (hist) [2,975 bytes] Antonio (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Questionnaire - inventory of heating systems == Address of the building ............................... Building () Detached () Semi-detached () Multi-family house Usable...")
- 14:07, 5 March 2019 Struktura danych pozyskiwanych podczas inwentaryzacji źródeł ciepła w Grodzisku Mazowieckim (hist) [2,518 bytes] Antonio (talk | contribs) (Created page with "= Struktura danych pozyskiwanych podczas inwentaryzacji Ÿróde³ ciep³a w Grodzisku Mazowieckim (ankieta) = = Structure of data collected during heat source survey in Grodzi...")
- 14:07, 5 March 2019 Ajdú-Bihar Megyei Klímastratégia kidolgozása és Éghajlatváltozási Platform létrehozása (hist) [2,821 bytes] Antonio (talk | contribs) (Created page with "= Hajdú-Bihar Megyei Klímastratégia kidolgozása és Éghajlatváltozási Platform létrehozása = Kedvezményezett neve: Hajdú-Bihar Megyei Önkormányzat Projekt címe...")
- 14:05, 5 March 2019 Projekt NEKTEO (hist) [2,493 bytes] Antonio (talk | contribs) (Created page with "= Projekt NEKTEO = == Cilji in kratek opis == NEKTEO je projekt za trajnostno energetsko uèinkovitost za obèine. Cilj projekta je razvoj èezmejnih orodij za izboljšanje e...")
- 14:03, 5 March 2019 Projekt LightingSolution (hist) [3,398 bytes] Antonio (talk | contribs) (Created page with "= Projekt LightingSolution = == Cilji in kratek opis == Blažitev podnebnih sprememb in ohranjanje virov energije sta globalna izziva, ki terjata izvajanje konkretnih ukrepov...")
- 14:02, 5 March 2019 Projekt ENERJ (hist) [2,512 bytes] Antonio (talk | contribs) (Created page with "= Projekt ENERJ = == Cilji in kratek opis == Projekt je usmerjen k poveèanju in izboljšanju izvajanja akcijskih ukrepov, ki so del dokumentov SEAP (Trajnostnih energetskih...")
- 14:01, 5 March 2019 Projekt EnergyCare (hist) [2,785 bytes] Antonio (talk | contribs) (Created page with "= Projekt EnergyCare = == Cilji in kratek opis == Projekt EnergyCare je usmerjen v energetsko uèinkovitost javnih stavb in trajnostno mobilnost z vkljuèenostjo lokalnih sku...")
- 13:59, 5 March 2019 TEESCHOOLS (hist) [1,939 bytes] Antonio (talk | contribs) (Created page with "= TEESCHOOLS (Tools for Energy Efficiency in Schools) = VODEÆI PARTNER: ENEA, Italija (Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Developm...")
- 13:55, 5 March 2019 Projekt REMEDIO (hist) [1,534 bytes] Antonio (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Projekt REMEDIO usmjeren je na poticanje korištenja nisko-ugljiènih transportnih sustava kroz testiranje operativnog naèina u upravljanju zagušenim prometnicama i prometno...")
- 13:53, 5 March 2019 Projekt FREIGHT TAILS (hist) [3,730 bytes] Antonio (talk | contribs) (Created page with "= Projekt FREIGHT TAILS = Grad Split je bio projektni partner na projektu FREIGHT TAILS u sklopu programa URBACT III. Predmetni projekt je rezultat nastojanja deset europskih...")
- 13:48, 5 March 2019 Projekt FEEDSCHOOLS (hist) [2,196 bytes] Antonio (talk | contribs) (Created page with "= Projekt FEEDSCHOOLS (Financing Environment and Energy Efficiency development in Schools) = Projekt FEEDSCHOOLS sufinancira se iz Europskog fonda za regionalni razvoj, kroz...")
- 13:46, 5 March 2019 Happy Drive – Die Mitfahrbörse (hist) [1,877 bytes] Antonio (talk | contribs) (Created page with "= Happy Drive – Die Mitfahrbörse = Die Idee hinter der Web-App „Happy Drive“ ist es, Fahrgemeinschaften unkompliziert innerhalb geschlossener Benutzergruppen zu bilden...")
- 11:51, 5 March 2019 Inwentaryzacja źródeł energii na posesjach prywatnych (hist) [1,817 bytes] Antonio (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Summary in English: In order to obtain an image in terms of the type and condition of the heat sources in the Municipality Grodzisk Mazowiecki, the municipality started coll...")
- 11:50, 5 March 2019 Uchwala ws. dotacji do wymiany kotłów węglowych (hist) [985 bytes] Antonio (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Summary in English: Given the fact that in Grodzisk Mazowiecki a lot of private heat sources are coal-based, the Municipality of Grodzisk Mazowiecki since 2016 has been impl...")
- 11:48, 5 March 2019 Dzień Energii w Grodzisku Mazowieckim (hist) [1,933 bytes] Antonio (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Summary in English: The Energy Day is a public event with the broad task of enforcing energy-related issues in the Municipality of Grodzisk Mazowiecki. It is dedicated to se...")
- 11:46, 5 March 2019 Testy pilotażowe rozwiązań z zakresu efektywnosci energetycznej (hist) [1,829 bytes] Antonio (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Summary in English:''' The Municipality of Grodzisk Mazowiecki created a procedure enabling it to test different solutions and tools aiming at the improvement of energy e...")
- 13:21, 8 February 2019 Training CitiEnGov "Energy Database Management" (hist) [1,662 bytes] Antonio (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Il training CitiEnGov "Energy Database Management" fa parte del modulo di Training (D.T.2.2.2) del progetto. Il modulo è stato organizzato da Dedagroup Public Services insie...")