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Energy management system in the city of Ferrara


Municipality of Ferrara, Italy


Municipality of Ferrara showed the use of data at municipal level for implementation of energy strategies. The importance of energy data is linked to urban planning and environment, especially to specific actions, from refurbishment of public buildings to planning and monitoring activities. Collected energy data and software can used to match planning needs and public administration processes, enabling a better energy performance in a medium/long-term period. The images show collection and harmonization of data at local level. Collection of energy data in buildings and spatial information like shape, height, number of units, volume, age, type, energy consumption, heating system types. Buildings 01 Municipality Ferrara 1.jpg Buildings 01 Municipality Ferrara 2.jpg



Energy management system in the city of Weiz


City of Weiz, Austria


Working consequently on energy issues and having energy data at municipal level is what Weiz has set up to do. The city of Weiz has decided to work with real data based on the size of the city of having about 11.300 inhabitants and about 450 energy supplied buildings. Having a good energy data basis is a result of (1) a survey of private households in the year 2013-2014, (2) the adjustment of this field research with existing data in the municipality and (3) the adjustment with statistics. The main challenge regarding energy management are (1) keeping the level of data quality (actualizing the data), (2) harmonizing them with existing data of the municipality (different tools and data basis) and (3) identifying/developing the “right” tool that could include future issues. Link: Buildings 02 Weiz 1.jpg Buildings 02 Weiz 2.jpg