Technical guidelines (buildings)

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Energy monitoring vision

In Austria energy data and climatic data are regularly collected, stored and published in various databases, reports and documents. Public and private organizations are constantly working on the evaluation and interpretation of these data:

  • Statistic Austria, E-Control
  • Climate- and Energy- Funds
  • Federal Ministry (BML, BMWFW, BMVIT)
  • provincial governments (statistical departments, GIS)
  • Social partners and chambers (Chamber of Labour, Chamber of Commerce, Association of Industry, ÖGB)
  • Universities and Research Organisations
  • National and regional Energy Agencies
  • National and regional energy utilities (electricity, gas, fuel)
  • Cities and municipalities
  • “EU-Regional managements”
  • Energy- and climate consulting and project companies
  • NGOs (e.g. Green Peace, Global 2000)
  • City- and regional- planer, technical offices for energy, environment and traffic

With these collected energy and climate data, regular energy and climate monitoring reports (e.g. annual energy and climate reporting) and studies for specific events and topics, as well as for different levels (state, country, district, municipality) can be written.

  • Energy and climate strategies
  • Spatial and city planning, settlement development
  • Mobility development
  • Emission and energy balance
  • Implementation of renewable energy systems
  • Sustainable concepts (Sustainable Energy Action Plans)
  • Energy accounting for public buildings

At national and regional level, energy supply companies (energy suppliers) are required to supply energy (natural gas, electricity, oil, fuels) and emission data to public statistics organizations. On local level, energy is used for various purposes (housing, transport, business, etc.). But, data on energy consumption is scarce and is distributed to individual consumer groups by random sampling. This methodology does not allow a local exact assignment. Within the framework of the CitiEnGov project, procedures and procedures are developed and tested which allow a better understanding of energy consumption. This results in a better basis for planning.

  • Urban planning
  • Sustainable Energy Action Plan -SEAP und Sustainable Energy Climate Action Plan –SECAP
  • Energy consulting

The data sources should contain the following parameters:

  • Local GIS pre-location per object and energy user:
  • Use of the object (type of use, year of construction, persons, mobility)
  • Energy efficiency and renewable energy (energy rating, solar / PV, building retrofit)

On the basis of these data energy saving planning, urban development, traffic and climate planning as well as consulting per objects can be supported. The collected data are not publicly available, they are only available to authorized planners and consultants of the region and municipalities. This data quality is intended to enable local decision-makers to set realistic goals, strategies and measures and to verify their successful compliance. Through the local energy agencies and public advisory offices, companies and the population can benefit from this common knowledge.

Available data

Short explanation of the tables

  • How is the data organized: It could be aggregated, detailed with specific locations, individually recorded per different units, spatial data like maps etc.
  • Who is the data provider: the entity or a person that provides the specific data (municipality, departments, agencies, businesses, individuals etc.)
  • How frequently is new data made available: regularly, periodically and how often, or on request.
  • Access restrictions: is the dataset free, open and available to public or are there any licences needed to use the data.
  • Data access point: URL of the data or contact person who is responsible for access to the resource.

Energy sources (production)

Each table provides information about a specific energy source and the data of that energy source. The tables about utility network types refer to the data of the networks of different energy sources.

Energy source/s District heating: biomass (wood chip)
How is the data organized? Detailed, point of delivery
Who is the data provider? District heating Weiz: Fernwärme Weiz GmbH
How frequently is new data made available? On request
Access restrictions Detailed data can be used only for institutional purposes. Aggregated data are available for public use
Data access point -

Energy source/s Photovoltaics, solar thermal, RES
How is the data organized? individual records
Who is the data provider? Municipality of Weiz, department environment and transport
How frequently is new data made available? On request
Access restrictions Free of charge, individual data (e.g. per building) are not allowed, aggregated data are available for public use
Data access point

Energy source/s Electricity distribution
How is the data organized? Detailed, as spatial data, grid map for main grids. Related data: power, transformer station (> 200 kW)
Who is the data provider? Energie Netze Steiermark AG
How frequently is new data made available? Regularly (usually once a year)
Access restrictions Detailed data can be used only for institutional purposes. Aggregated data are available for public use
Data access point

Energy source/s Gas
How is the data organized? Detailed, as spatial data (maps)
Who is the data provider? Energie Netze Steiermark AG
How frequently is new data made available? On request
Access restrictions Detailed data can be used only for institutional purposes. Aggregated data are available for public use
Data access point

CO2 emission factors

The table provides information about the factors of CO2 emissions and the data that refers to these factors.

CO2 emission factors
How is the data organized? a) Data available at municipal level for different sectors: municipal buildings, other buildings, transport, public lighting
Who is the data provider? Municipality Weiz, department environment and transport
How frequently is new data made available? Periodically every 5 years
Access restrictions Free, open and available to the public
Data access point -

Energy consumption of municipal buildings

Tables provide information about consumption of the specific energy source in municipal buildings. Each different energy source can have its own table, or it can be merged with other energy source.

Energy source/s Biofuel, Natural Gas, Geothermal
How is the data organized? Individual records (for each building)
Who is the data provider? Municipality of Weiz, department “public buildings”
How frequently is new data made available? On request
Access restrictions Individual records are not public. Overall buildings energy consumption just on request available.
Data access point

Energy source/s Electricity
How is the data organized? Individual records
Who is the data provider? Municipality of Weiz, department “public buildings”
How frequently is new data made available? One a year based on annual account provided by energy distributer (Energie Steiermark)
Access restrictions Available from bills
Data access point City of Weiz, department “public buildings” -

Energy performance of municipal buildings

The table provides information about the data of energy performance of municipal buildings.

How is the data organized? Detailed for building
Who is the data provider? Municipality of Weiz, department “public buildings”
How frequently is new data made available? As provided for sectoral legislation
Access restrictions Free of charge
Data access point City of Weiz, department “public buildings”

Energy consumption of non-municipal buildings

Tables provide information about consumption of the specific energy source in non-municipal buildings. Each different energy source can have its own table, or it can be merged with other energy source.

Energy source/s Electricity, natural gas, district heating, fuel oil, biomass
How is the data organized? Regular Household and Business survey
Who is the data provider? Single households and business buildings
How frequently is new data made available? Every 5 years
Access restrictions Data available only to Public Authorities
Data access point Energy Agency Weiz - Innovation Centre Weiz (

Energy performance of non-municipal buildings

The table provides information about the data of energy performance of non-municipal buildings.

How is the data organized? Single unit building
Who is the data provider? Municipality of Weiz, GWR (Building and residence database)
How frequently is new data made available? Monthly
Access restrictions Data available only to Public Authorities
Data access point ingrid.trö

Missing data

Data for Urban Planning

For the city planning, the city of Weiz has its own GIS data management system which records and updates the local infrastructure (gas, electricity, water, waste water, district heating). Within the scope of spatial planning, the land, buildings, technical infrastructure and traffic situation for the strategic future planning of the city of Weiz are re-evaluated and documented every five years. The buildings (residential, commercial and public buildings) are recorded in the local GWR (building housing register) and kept as up-to-date as possible by the building authorities of the city of Weiz. Each building is a data set and contains, among other things, Address, type of building, gross floor area, energy rating, type of energy source, heating system)

Nature of data GIS data management system
Why is it missing? Older (before 2000) infrastructure data of existing pipelines and installations have not been measured yet. These are only carried out for new road and infrastructure (additionally included)

Nature of data Spatial planning of the city of Weiz
Why is it missing? Detailed data on buildings, land areas, traffic data (car, truck), parking areas, public transport are missing.

Nature of data Building housing register
Why is it missing? Overall data (address (90%) building (70%), heating (20%), energy rating (<10%) are incomplete and would have to be reprocessed.

What is missing for Sustainable Energy Action Plans (SEAP) requirements

Nature of data Electricity and Gas consumption data
Data Related issues The providers do not provide electricity and gas consumption at all for any municipalities

Nature of data Transport
Data Related issues On a local level, there are only individually collected data through irregularly conducted traffic counts of individual traffic (cars). Energy consumption per km / household or km / operation are only available statistically. Local assignments (where the vehicles are stationed) are missing.

Nature of data Other fuels data (heating and production)
Data Related issues Energy carriers (fuels) per building are only available if these are entered in the GWR. Process energy (industry, trade, food, etc.) are largely non-existent and must be collected individually. This data is currently not stored centrally.

Required ICT tools

Tool requirements for Urban Planning purposes

Each municipality must have its own GIS system for the local infrastructure (electricity, gas, district heating, roads, public lighting) and buildings (private, public and offices). Building, energy (heating, electricity, production) and traffic data (number: cars, bicycles, trucks, km-power: kilometres travelled per vehicle, energy demand: fuel / vehicle) can then be recorded and evaluated. These data should be kept up-to-date and should be checked randomly every 5 years.

Tool requirements for Sustainable Energy Action Plans (SEAP) requirements

In the regions of the Eastern part of Styria there are some municipalities that have developed a SEAP. A SECAP has not been developed yet in this region. The city of Weiz has to develop a corresponding SECAP out of strategies for energy actions. ICT tools will be developed for the documentation and presentation for political decision-makers as well as for implementation partners (citizens, enterprises). These tools can be used be used by other municipalities and regions and thus also to facilitate better comparability between the municipalities and the regions. At the level of Styria, these local SECAPs can be merged into a SECAP Styria with common goals and individual actions to achieve national and EU energy and EU climate goals.

Tool requirements for Energy Office purposes

The W.E.I.Z. as a regional energy agency uses ICT tools such as GIS, GWR, SECAP, together with the energy and environmental departments of the city of Weiz for the data input, data archiving and for the data analysis. In the context of events, workshops and media campaigns for the topics of "Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency and Climate Change", the constantly updated energy and climate databases are provided to the local actors as an argumentative aid for political and economic decisions on investments and projects. Through the publication of compact data and charts on the world wide web pages, newspapers, public screens and folders, the real situation of the energy demand, CO2 emissions and the climate change of the population should be made visible. Reactions and actions for sustainable improvement for energy and climate are to be incorporated into the databases of the respective energy divisions of the city. The energy agency is supporting the individual energy and climate promoters through technical and financial information.


Energy monitoring vision

Croatia has the national base of energy consumption and savings in two national information systems: System for measuring and verifying energy savings (SMIV), Information system for energy management (ISGE). These systems are focal point for City of Split buildings energy management. According to National law on energy efficiency, all energy distributors have the obligation of conducting annual reports on energy consumption. These data are not available on local level, not even if payed. The problem could be resolved in high extent if remote reading devices were installed in all consumption objects, so there could be central energy unit to manage given data and conduct statistical energy reports. All other solutions could be based on changing the rules and policies at national level that can allow transparency of energy data on local level for at least payed usage and statistical research, and not deny the approach in regulative of business secret.

Available data

Short explanation of the tables:

  • How is the data organized: It could be aggregated, detailed with specific locations, individually recorded per different units, spatial data like maps etc.
  • Who is the data provider: the entity or a person that provides the specific data (municipality, departments, agencies, businesses, individuals etc.)
  • How frequently is new data made available: regularly, periodically and how often, or on request.
  • Access restrictions: is the dataset free, open and available to public or are there any licences needed to use the data.
  • Data access point: URL of the data or contact person who is responsible for access to the resource.

Energy sources (production)

Each table provides information about a specific energy source and the data of that energy source. The tables about utility network types refer to the data of the networks of different energy sources.

Energy source/s Biomass, Photovoltaics, Solar thermal, Wind, Fossil fuel – combined heat and power
How is the data organized? Data not organized
Who is the data provider? Energy agency
How frequently is new data made available? Once a year
Access restrictions Marginal cost for data availability
Data access point

Energy source/s District heating
How is the data organized? Individual records
Who is the data provider? Energy distributor
How frequently is new data made available? Once a year or per request
Access restrictions Marginal cost for data availability
Data access point (none)

Energy source/s Hydroelectric
How is the data organized? Individual records
Who is the data provider? Energy distributor
How frequently is new data made available? Once in a month
Access restrictions Available
Data access point

Energy source/s Electricity distribution
How is the data organized? Aggregated as spatial data
Who is the data provider? Energy distributor HEP
How frequently is new data made available? Per request
Access restrictions Open and available to the public
Data access point

CO2 emission factors

The table provides information about the factors of CO2 emissions and the data that refers to these factors.

CO2 emission factors
How is the data organized? Data not available on municipal level for different sectors: municipal buildings, other buildings, transport, public lighting, only on national level
Who is the data provider? Croatian environment agency
How frequently is new data made available? For a couple of years’ period
Access restrictions Marginal cost for data availability
Data access point

Missing data

Nature of data Energy data for alternative energy resources
Why is it missing? Dalmatia region has no Energy agency that can provide statistical analysis and collection of alternative energy data.

Required ICT tools

The problem could be resolved in high extent if remote reading devices were installed in all consumption objects, so there could be central energy unit to manage given data and conduct statistical energy reports.

Energy consumption of municipal buildings

Tables provide information about consumption of the specific energy source in municipal buildings. Each different energy source can have its own table, or it can be merged with other energy source.

Energy source/s Electricity
How is the data organized? Individual records
Who is the data provider? Energy distributor
How frequently is new data made available? Once in a month
Access restrictions Open data
Data access point

Energy source/s Diesel, heating oil, liquid gas
How is the data organized? Individual records
Who is the data provider? Energy distributor
How frequently is new data made available? Once a year
Access restrictions Marginal cost for data availability
Data access point - -

Energy performance of municipal buildings

The table provides information about the data of energy performance of municipal buildings.

How is the data organized? Per building
Who is the data provider? City of Split
How frequently is new data made available? several times a year
Access restrictions Per request
Data access point

Energy consumption of non-municipal buildings

Tables provide information about consumption of the specific energy source in non-municipal buildings. Each different energy source can have its own table, or it can be merged with other energy source.

Energy source/s Electricity
How is the data organized? Aggregated per City of Split zones
Who is the data provider? energy distributor
How frequently is new data made available? Once a year
Access restrictions Marginal cost for data availability
Data access point

Energy source/s Diesel, heating oil, liquid gas
How is the data organized? Aggregated per energy distributor locations
Who is the data provider? Energy distributor
How frequently is new data made available? Once a year
Access restrictions Marginal cost for data availability
Data access point - -

Energy performance of non-municipal buildings

The table provides information about the data of energy performance of non-municipal buildings.

How is the data organized? Per building / per building unit
Who is the data provider? Building management and maintenance companies in the city of Split as Stanouprava, Tehnoplast, Novi dani.
How frequently is new data made available? Per request
Access restrictions Dataset is available to municipality per request for marginal or no cost.
Data access point Energy audits and certificates for buildings that have them can be provided from institutions that are responsible for management and maintenance of residential buildings in the city of Split as Stanouprava, Tehnoplast, Novi dani.

How is the data organized? Aggregated per energy distributor locations
Who is the data provider? energy distributor
How frequently is new data made available? once a year
Access restrictions Marginal cost for data availability
Data access point - -


Energy monitoring vision

One tool which easily provides energy data and CO2 balances, an individual package of measures and scenarios to the energy conservation and energy use on municipal level and even on district level. It should bring together geodata with information on energy consumption and power demand as well as energy potentials. It should support all steps of the planning and decision making. Examples:

Currently, for energy planning and CO2 balances, there is a variety of data provider (local utility company, statistical offices on different level, private companies in the transport sector and so on). This means on working level to send requests to each provider which is not practical and a solution should be found on this. For the CO2-balances exists a state-wide tool BICO2BW which is used, but still requests are needed. Data on private buildings is not available or/and recorded (e.g. insolation, private energy supply), it also underlies data protections. According to the energy saving order we have the duty for public sector entities (> 500m²) and for some non-residential buildings to get energy cards. Public sector entities must publicly display the energy cards. For private buildings, the information on energy performance is only provided to the owner. Concerning, companies, it is also necessary to request any data. For Non-SMEs, an energy audit and an energy management must be carried out. It is a challenging task to get these private data and due to data protection, it is no public data and has to be anonymised or even aggregated.

Available data

Short explanation of the tables:

  • How is the data organized: It could be aggregated, detailed with specific locations, individually recorded per different units, spatial data like maps etc.
  • Who is the data provider: the entity or a person that provides the specific data (municipality, departments, agencies, businesses, individuals etc.)
  • How frequently is new data made available: regularly, periodically and how often, or on request.
  • Access restrictions: is the dataset free, open and available to public or are there any licences needed to use the data.
  • Data access point: URL of the data or contact person who is responsible for access to the resource.

Energy sources (production)

Each table provides information about a specific energy source and the data of that energy source. The tables about utility network types refer to the data of the networks of different energy sources.

Energy source/s Biomass, Geothermal, Hydroelectric, Photovoltaics, Solar thermal, Fossil Fuel – combined heat and power
How is the data organized? Available as individual records
Who is the data provider? public utility company / energy distributor “SWLB”
How frequently is new data made available? Upon request
Access restrictions Only limited aggregated Data is available for open access. Only Data about mix of sources of electric power production. ( )
Data access point Public utility company / SWLB

Utility network type/s electricity distribution, natural gas distribution, district heating
How is the data organized? aggregated
Who is the data provider? public utility company /energy distributor “SWLB
How frequently is new data made available? Upon request
Access restrictions restricted to municipality
Data access point Public utility company / SWLB

CO2 emission factors

The table provides information about the factors of CO2 emissions and the data that refers to these factors.

CO2 emission factors
How is the data organized? data available on state level for different sectors: municipal buildings, other buildings, transport, public lighting; aggregated
Who is the data provider? Ministry of Environment
How frequently is new data made available? every few years
Access restrictions free, open and available to the public
Data access point

Missing data

Nature of data Private buildings and private businesses: building envelope/ insolation, energy supply (if private plants), etc.
Why is it missing? Not recorded
Nature of data Private buildings and private businesses: Energy consumption
Why is it missing? Data restrictions (only available for the supplier)

Required ICT tools

For a tool which easily provides energy data and CO2 balances, an individual package of measures and scenarios to the energy conservation and energy use on municipal level and even on district level. It is important to have geodata with information on energy consumption and power demand as well as energy potentials.

  • Data should be available on the same level (as smaller the level the better, e.g. households).
  • Data should be recorded regularly (same cycle) and to develop a regularly sequence.
  • Data should be provided to the municipality – not on request to different institutions.
  • Data should be available/provided in a standardized format easily used for GIS analysis (e.g. some data only come as info via Email not in a table or something. It has to prepared for analytical usage, GIS etc).
  • As skills it would be necessary to have more GIS experts working in municipalities who are also have planning skills (Energy).
  • For CO2-balances exists a state-wide tool BICO2BW which is used by the municipality.
  • Data is also recorded for the European Energy Award as well as for the SECAP / CoM.
  • Data on private buildings is not available or/and recorded (e.g. insolation, private energy supply), it also underlies data protections.

Please also see “Vision”.

Energy consumption of municipal buildings

Tables provide information about consumption of the specific energy source in municipal buildings. Each different energy source can have its own table, or it can be merged with other energy source.

Energy source/s Biomass
How is the data organized? aggregated
Who is the data provider? contracting partner (via bills)
How frequently is new data made available? aggregated: monthly
Access restrictions contracting partner owns individual data, no access
Data access point (none)

Energy source/s Electricity, Heating oil, Natural Gas
How is the data organized? detailed data / individual records per measuring point
Who is the data provider? municipal energy accounting
How frequently is new data made available? monthly, in part 5-15 Min. rhythm already (automated measuring points)
Access restrictions only available to the municipality, municipality owns data, no restrictions
Data access point Energy Team, Building Department / Municipality

Energy source/s District heating
How is the data organized? aggregated
Who is the data provider? Regional public utility company / energy distributor “SWLB” via bills
How frequently is new data made available? monthly
Access restrictions Regional public utility company / energy distributor owns data, no access
Data access point (none)

Energy performance of municipal buildings

The table provides information about the data of energy performance of municipal buildings.

Data source Energy Performance Certificate (”Energieausweis”)
How is the data organized? detailed per building for half of municipal buildings
Who is the data provider? certificate provider / municipality
How frequently is new data made available? new data only if building is considerably changed
Access restrictions certificate is to be presented in buildings open for public use, however there is no dataset about certificates
Data access point Energy Team, Building Department / Municipality

Data source municipal energy report
How is the data organized? aggregated per type of usage
Who is the data provider? municipality
How frequently is new data made available? once a year
Access restrictions available to the public
Data access point energy report

Energy consumption of non-municipal buildings

Tables provide information about consumption of the specific energy source in non-municipal buildings. Each different energy source can have its own table, or it can be merged with other energy source.

Energy source/s Biomass, Natural Gas, District heating - (grid-bound)
How is the data organized? aggregated, projections only, divided by building’s main use
Who is the data provider? Local Utility company /SWLB
How frequently is new data made available? once a year
Access restrictions restricted
Data access point Local Utility company /SWLB

Energy source/s Heating Oil, Coal, Renewable Energies (self-contained/private supply)
How is the data organized? Aggregated/ On country or state level per energy type
Who is the data provider? Statistical office
How frequently is new data made available? once a year
Access restrictions Open data available to the public, more detailed data payable
Data access point Statistical Office

Energy performance of non-municipal buildings

The table provides information about the data of energy performance of non-municipal buildings.

How is the data organized? detailed per building (not requested for all buildings)
Who is the data provider? House owner / private
How frequently is new data made available? new data only if building is considerably changed or rented
Access restrictions restricted to building owner, no aggregated dataset about certificates
Data access point building owner


Energy monitoring vision

In our opinion it is important to build the energy monitoring system for all governments which would be able to review the energy consuming of the buildings one by one. Meaning of energy monitoring: Energy efficiency review and representing the connected solutions. It defines the energy efficiency opportunities and represents the results. The energy monitoring also focuses on restructures which do not require any investments. The main goal is to follow the consumption and to identify the methods which can reduce the energy usage. With the help of the monitoring system we are able to see the consuming data by months in every building and also the areas which need development. The steps of monitoring:

1. Checking the basic data of buildings-
2. Checking energy saving methods.
  2.1 Checking for methods which do not need any investments
  2.2 Checking for methods which need a minimal input
  2.3 Checking for methods which need a high-volume input	
3. Examination of achieved measurements
4. Define measurements to achieve
5. Following the execution

During and after the execution of energy measurements it provides advantages for the following of the results because:

  • Increases the efficiency of the planning procedure and the execution of measurements.
  • Examines and corrects the energy measurements and also the quality of the measurement series
  • Eliminates the gap between the goals and measurable goals
  • Expands the experience connected to the evaluation of the project
  • Optimises the division of human resources and tries to save the resources
  • Increases the quality of the communication

We have to concentrate on those indicators which are well-established and the analyzation of them do not need serious energy professional skills. Considering the budged efficiency and the clarity we have to implant the following indicators into the institutions:

  • Decrease of the electrical energy consumption (kWh/year)
  • Decrease of heating energy consumption (GJ/year)
  • The ratio of the renewable energy sources related to the whole energy consumption (%)
  • Number of people who participated in the awareness-raising programmes (number of people))
  • Number of awareness-raising programmes (piece)

From January 2017, every government agency must hire an energy specialist who reviews the energy consuming of the buildings and gives advice about energy efficient investments. With the help of the monitoring system it would be easy and obvious how to follow the consumption of the buildings. Difficulties: Lack of resources, there is no available financial support

Available data

Short explanation of the tables:

  • How is the data organized: It could be aggregated, detailed with specific locations, individually recorded per different units, spatial data like maps etc.
  • Who is the data provider: the entity or a person that provides the specific data (municipality, departments, agencies, businesses, individuals etc.)
  • How frequently is new data made available: regularly, periodically and how often, or on request.
  • Access restrictions: is the dataset free, open and available to public or are there any licences needed to use the data.
  • Data access point: URL of the data or contact person who is responsible for access to the resource.

Energy sources (production)

Each table provides information about a specific energy source and the data of that energy source. The tables about utility network types refer to the data of the networks of different energy sources.

Energy source/s Natural Gas
How is the data organized? aggregated per settlement
Who is the data provider? Central Statistical Office
How frequently is new data made available? Once a year
Access restrictions open data
Data access point

Utility network type/s electricity distribution and district heating
How is the data organized? aggregated per settlements
Who is the data provider? Central Statistical Office
How frequently is new data made available? once a year
Access restrictions free
Data access point

CO2 emission factors

The table provides information about the factors of CO2 emissions and the data that refers to these factors.

CO2 emission factors
How is the data organized? No available data. Only available through calculation, when it is needed to do energy strategic and action plans for a settlement
Who is the data provider? Local energy agency
How frequently is new data made available? When it is requested: For example creating SECAP
Access restrictions If it is done, it is available in every public plan
Data access point (none)

Missing data

Nature of data In case of local governments: Energy monitoring system
Why is it missing? Not marked, it is not needed to hire an energy rapporteur - There is no registration system of energy invoices - It is needed but local governments did not make the energy certification of the buildings - There is no registration system for energy - There is no motivation to reduce energy consumption - In proposals, it is not a priority to create an energy monitoring system - There is no motivation for managers of buildings and institutions - There is no law to obligate
Nature of data In case of people: automatic smart meter
Why is it missing? There is no energy registration system which is easy to use or available - Creating SmartHome systems is really expensive - The priority is energy efficiency: insulation, replace windows - Lack of awareness-raising programmes

Required ICT tools

In case of local governments: Developing an energy management system, Hiring an energy specialist group at every local government. In case of people: Installing automatic smart meters in households, creating and developing energy aware view. Required tools: Resources, legal and political legislation. The equipment of the smart meters must be available for the public. In case of local governments, the consumption could be checked in buildings, the energetical condition would be followed.

Energy consumption of municipal buildings

Tables provide information about consumption of the specific energy source in municipal buildings. Each different energy source can have its own table, or it can be merged with other energy source.

Energy source/s Heat, gas
How is the data organized? aggregated per settlement
Who is the data provider? Central Statistical Office
How frequently is new data made available? once a year
Access restrictions Open data
Data access point

Energy source/s Electricity, gas, solar photovoltaics
How is the data organized? It is only available at the government
Who is the data provider? Local Government
How frequently is new data made available? once a year
Access restrictions It can be requested from the Local Government
Data access point (none)

Energy performance of municipal buildings

The table provides information about the data of energy performance of municipal buildings.

How is the data organized? per building
Who is the data provider? Municipality
How frequently is new data made available? per month
Access restrictions Not public, must be requested
Data access point (none)

Energy consumption of non-municipal buildings

Tables provide information about consumption of the specific energy source in non-municipal buildings. Each different energy source can have its own table, or it can be merged with other energy source.

Energy source/s heat, electricity
How is the data organized? aggregated per settlement
Who is the data provider? Central Statistical Office
How frequently is new data made available? Once a year
Access restrictions open data
Data access point

Energy performance of non-municipal buildings

The table provides information about the data of energy performance of non-municipal buildings.

How is the data organized? aggregated per building
Who is the data provider? Central Statistical Office, service provider
How frequently is new data made available? per month
Access restrictions not available to the public
Data access point (none)


Energy monitoring vision

The energy monitoring vision is declined on three specific application scenarios:

  • Energy monitoring for the purposes of the municipal Urban Planning office
  • Energy monitoring for the fulfilment of Sustainable Energy Action Plans requirements
  • Energy monitoring for the purposes of the municipal Energy office

Energy monitoring for Urban Planning

Urban Planning in Italy, but also in the Emilia Romagna Region and more specifically in the territory of Ferrara over the last decade, has clearly shifted its attention from the expansion of territory to urban regeneration and refurbishment/retrofitting of buildings, due to many concomitant factors (economic crisis, decline in births, excess supply of housing, need for smaller residences, soil consumption and all the problems related). In this contest, being aware of the state of the existing building stock and its energy properties is crucial in order to:

1. Plan structural interventions through public works with municipality funds (three-year public works plans) and external funding (regional and/or European funds) or through partnerships with providers (e.g. for geothermal -or gas- network extension);
2. Design information and awareness raising on activities aimed at reducing costs and pollution (atmospheric emissions but also urban heat islands);
3. Provide targeted incentives (economic incentives, volumetric incentives), as did the Building Regulation of the Municipality of Ferrara), or fiscal incentives, as foreseen in the new Urban Planning Law being approved.

The aim is thus to obtain, for all the buildings in the municipal area:

  • The aim is thus to obtain, for all the buildings in the municipal area:
  • Main use for the building (+ in the case of residential use: the number of people living there and age; for other uses: the type of activity);
  • Annual energy consumption (electricity, cooling, hot water, heating);
  • Type and status of building installations using energy (boiler, heating system, air conditioning, heat pump) and producing it (renewable energy sources, RES);
  • Information about building renovation and energy refurbishment of buildings
  • Energy performance data (e.g. energy performance certificates)

Through the knowledge of these data, it is possible to identify where and how to act and to define energy planning on a municipal scale. An added value of project CitiEnGov could be to start:

  • Intersectoral collaboration within the administration, in order to produce and acquire harmonized data; But not just data, also know-how and services to the citizen;
  • Similarly, a process between the partners involved (entities, providers, region, stakeholders) to define a protocol for mutual exchange of data

Energy monitoring for Sustainable Energy/Climate Action Plans (SEAP/SECAP) requirements

Energy data useful for developing and monitoring a SEAP can be summarized in:

  • Energy building consumption divided by sector of activity (residential, public illumination, industry, transport, agriculture) and by type of fuel;
  • Local renewable and non-renewable thermal production data (photovoltaic plants, biogas plants, waste treatment plants, thermal solar plants, vegetable oil, biofuels, other biomasses, geothermal energy);
  • District heating network data;
  • Comparison of electricity and thermal consumption per capita in relation to other cities in the same region;
  • Consumption data of the municipality buildings;
  • Consumption data for the Industry sector outside of ETS (Emissions Trading System);
  • Energy saving data obtained for each year by energy operators (e.g. ESCO)

Energy monitoring for the Energy Office

For the Energy Office activities it would be important to have accurate information about heating and air conditioning systems for all the buildings in the municipal territory. Emilia Romagna Region is developing CRITER Census, a regional cadastre for thermal plants and installations which should include data on: georeferenced installation position, nominal power, number of devices, energy carrier, plant type (heating, cooling, heat pump).

Available data

Short explanation of the tables

  • How is the data organized: It could be aggregated, detailed with specific locations, individually recorded per different units, spatial data like maps etc.
  • Who is the data provider: the entity or a person that provides the specific data (municipality, departments, agencies, businesses, individuals etc.)
  • How frequently is new data made available: regularly, periodically and how often, or on request.
  • Access restrictions: is the dataset free, open and available to public or are there any licences needed to use the data.
  • Data access point: URL of the data or contact person who is responsible for access to the resource.

Energy sources (production)

Each table provides information about a specific energy source and the data of that energy source. The tables about utility network types refer to the data of the networks of different energy sources.

Energy source/s District heating: combined geothermal and thermovalorization waste
How is the data organized? Detailed, point of delivery
Who is the data provider? Gruppo HERA
How frequently is new data made available? On request
Access restrictions Data can be used only for institutional purposes
Data access point

Energy source/s Photovoltaics, solar thermal, RES
How is the data organized? individual records
Who is the data provider? GSE (Gestore Servizi energetici)
How frequently is new data made available? once a year
Access restrictions Free of charge
Data access point

Utility network type/s electricity distribution
How is the data organized? Detailed, as spatial data (maps) Related data: voltage
Who is the data provider? Emilia Romagna Region
How frequently is new data made available? regularly (usually once a year)
Access restrictions free
Data access point

Utility network type/s Gas
How is the data organized? Detailed, as spatial data (maps)
Who is the data provider? Hera - Rete SNAM
How frequently is new data made available? On request
Access restrictions free, but restricted to Municipality
Data access point

Utility network type/s District heating
How is the data organized? Detailed, as spatial data (maps)
Who is the data provider? Gruppo HERA
How frequently is new data made available? On request
Access restrictions free, but restricted to Municipality
Data access point

CO2 emission factors

The table provides information about the factors of CO2 emissions and the data that refers to these factors.

CO2 emission factors
How is the data organized? data available at municipal level for different sectors: municipal buildings, other buildings, transport, public lighting
Who is the data provider? Local energy agency; Emilia Romagna Region
How frequently is new data made available? every few years
Access restrictions free, open and available to the public
Data access point -

Missing data

What is missing for Urban Planning purposes

In general, the interest of administrators at every level on energy data has increased, but there is still no structured plan for the production, maintenance, transmission and standardization of building energy data.

What follows are some considerations on the current status of data availability:

  • There is a good availability of data concerning buildings (surface area, volume, type of use, residents);
  • In terms of consumption, data is available from some sources (the National Tax Agency), but there are difficulties in transmitting data; sometimes data is not of good quality; and finally, data are not harmonized with municipal data (toponym, land register);
  • Emilia Romagna Region owns and manages the database of energy performance certificates, but there are difficulties in obtaining these data even for municipalities (and only on request). Moreover, data is partial and of poor quality;
  • Regarding the energy data in renovated building, a monitoring was started in January 2016 (georeferencing the intervention, typology, expected energy performance, use of renewable sources);
Nature of data monitoring of the accounting systems for energy consumption in multi occupied buildings
Why is it missing? The municipality does not have an archiving system; Perhaps available from other Entities (ENEA, National Tax Agency) but not available at present

Nature of data Regional Cadastre of thermal plants
Why is it missing? The cadastre in Ferrara will be active from 2019 -

Nature of data Wood/Pellet Stove consumption
Why is it missing? They are not censed

What is missing for Sustainable Energy Action Plans (SEAP) requirements

Nature of data Electricity consumption data
Why is it missing? The provider does not provide electricity consumption about category: TRANSPORT for small-medium cities such as Ferrara

Nature of data Natural gas consumption data
Why is it missing? The provider does not provide data divided by SECTOR but by type of contract (use kitchen, use of kitchen and heating and HDW, tertiary). The data do not specify if consumption is directed to single unit building or shared unit buildings

Nature of data Other fuels data
Why is it missing? Data are estimated for the municipality on the basis of the provincial consumption data provided by the National Petroleum Bulletin -

Nature of data Local Energy production data
Why is it missing? There is no single referent who collects and provides data

Nature of data Fossil fuels outside the public network
Why is it missing? They are not censed

Required ICT tools

Tool requirements for Urban Planning purposes

In the municipality of Ferrara the management system of building permits has been implemented with a section dedicated to the monitoring of energy data related to building renovations (and new constructions). The aim is the monitoring of improvements in the energy performance of the buildings. Moreover, a new webgis platform is under construction, which will include a section - called “energy dashboard” - about energy data consumption of buildings, offering the possibility of visualizing a map of real annual energy consumption at the building level. About the ICT tools, the Municipality needs:

  • GIS support for data produced and maintained by the municipality;
  • Treatment and standardization for data produced by other entities;
  • Support in the definition of technical specifications for data transmission with other public administrations;

Tool requirements for Sustainable Energy Action Plans (SEAP) requirements

A very useful tool would be one that every two years allows to compare the goals of the SEAP between the city of Ferrara and the other experiences of the SEAP in the neighbouring territories in terms of proposed objectives, results of implemented actions, savings targets and renewable energies, CO2 emission factors use.

Tool requirements for Energy Office purposes The energy office needs to improve the management software currently used for consumption forecast and the final energy reporting (for each thermal season) of the buildings under its management (municipal buildings). The software should simulate the building's energy needs during the occupancy hours for individual buildings and help in defining the correct allocation of energy consumption for individual users in multi-user buildings.

Energy consumption of municipal buildings

Tables provide information about consumption of the specific energy source in municipal buildings. Each different energy source can have its own table, or it can be merged with other energy source.

Energy source/s Biofuel, Natural Gas, Geothermal
How is the data organized? Individual records (for each building)
Who is the data provider? HERA and by operators of the Heat Municipal contract
How frequently is new data made available? once a year (at the end of thermal season)
Access restrictions Individual records are not public - Overall buildings energy consumption is public every two years in the PAES monitoring documents
Data access point Energy Office - Municipality of Ferrara

Energy source/s Electricity
How is the data organized? Individual records
Who is the data provider? Energy agency
How frequently is new data made available? From Bills (every two months)
Access restrictions Available from bills
Data access point Energy Office - Municipality of Ferrara

Energy performance of municipal buildings

The table provides information about the data of energy performance of municipal buildings.

How is the data organized? Detailed for building
Who is the data provider? Ervet – Regione Emilia Romagna
How frequently is new data made available? As provided for sectoral legislation
Access restrictions Free of charge
Data access point Energy Office - Municipality of Ferrara

Energy consumption of non-municipal buildings

Tables provide information about consumption of the specific energy source in non-municipal buildings. Each different energy source can have its own table, or it can be merged with other energy source.

Energy source/s Electricity, Natural gas, geothermal
How is the data organized? Individual records
Who is the data provider? Revenue Agency /Tax Office (database SIATEL)
How frequently is new data made available? once a year
Access restrictions Data available only to Public Authorities
Data access point Data controller is the Service Tax manager of the Municipality

Energy performance of non-municipal buildings

The table provides information about the data of energy performance of non-municipal buildings.

How is the data organized? Single unit building
Who is the data provider? ERVET - Regione Emilia Romagna
How frequently is new data made available? As per request
Access restrictions Data available only to Public Authorities
Data access point


Energy monitoring vision

Neither City of Bydgoszcz (PP2) nor the Municipality of Grodzisk Mazowiecki (PP5) have an energy monitoring database and ICT tools to properly perform effective energy monitoring and management. This is the reason why we (PP2 and PP5) need to create and establish an Energy Database. This will be the baseline for data harmonization in Poland. We already took further steps and prepared a concept of the Energy Database. In regards to the municipal entities, data on energy consumption is available to obtain in the form of invoices and bills. Private sector isn’t obliged by law to share any data on energy consumption (including data about buildings, transport and RES). This is why our Energy Database concept is designed only for the monitoring and management of the municipal entities, although the system will remain open – it will be possible to add modules in the future if required. For example, in the future we would like to implement into the platform data on buildings (year of construction, cultural heritance, volume, floor area etc.) and data on transportation.

Available data

Short explanation of the tables:

  • How is the data organized: It could be aggregated, detailed with specific locations, individually recorded per different units, spatial data like maps etc.
  • Who is the data provider: the entity or a person that provides the specific data (municipality, departments, agencies, businesses, individuals etc.)
  • How frequently is new data made available: regularly, periodically and how often, or on request.
  • Access restrictions: is the dataset free, open and available to public or are there any licences needed to use the data.
  • Data access point: URL of the data or contact person who is responsible for access to the resource.

Energy sources (production)

Each table provides information about a specific energy source and the data of that energy source. The tables about utility network types refer to the data of the networks of different energy sources.

Energy source/s Hard coal, lignite, crude oil, natural gas
How is the data organized? On country level per energy type
Who is the data provider? Central Statistical Office of Poland (Glówny Urzad Statystyczny - GUS)
How frequently is new data made available? Once a year
Access restrictions Open data, available to the public
Data access point,1,5.html

Energy source/s Renewables – biogas, biomass, wind, solar, hydro
How is the data organized? On country level per energy type
Who is the data provider? Energy Regulatory Office (Urzad Regulacji Energetyki – URE)
How frequently is new data made available? Once a year
Access restrictions Open data, available to the public
Data access point,Moc-zainstalowana-MW.html

CO2 emission factors

The table provides information about the factors of CO2 emissions and the data that refers to these factors.


CO2 emission factors
How is the data organized? data available on municipal level for different sectors: municipal buildings, other buildings, transport, public lighting
Who is the data provider? Municipality (data from distributors, traders, statistical institute)
How frequently is new data made available? every 2 years (SEAP)
Access restrictions free, open and available to the public
Data access point , PGN - Low-Emission Economy Programme:


CO2 emission factors
How is the data organized? Data available on municipal level for different sectors: municipal buildings, other buildings, transport, public lighting
Who is the data provider? Municipality (data from distributors, traders, statistical institute)
How frequently is new data made available? Every 4 years
Access restrictions Free, open and available to the public
Data access point Data can be obtained from local documents, PGN - Low-Emission Economy Programme:,24182.html, PONE – Programme for Lowering Low-Emission

Missing data


Nature of data Volume of buildings
Why is it missing? No database for monitoring and management

Nature of data Building’s envelope structure (roof construction, walls construction, windows etc)
Why is it missing? No database for monitoring and management

Nature of data Energy efficiency of buildings
Why is it missing? No database for monitoring and management

Nature of data Heating source and system in private buildings
Why is it missing? The data was never collected and needs a door-to-door survey


Nature of data Fuel consumption
Why is it missing? No database for monitoring and management

Required ICT tools

As mentioned in the vision, cities from Poland don’t have tools required to properly perform energy management and monitoring. Establishing the Energy database is the necessary first step and will result in improvement of data quality and availability as to this day all the data is scattered and hard to access.

Energy consumption of municipal buildings

Tables provide information about consumption of the specific energy source in municipal buildings. Each different energy source can have its own table, or it can be merged with other energy source.

Energy source/s Electricity
How is the data organized? Depends on the billing period/tariff per building
Who is the data provider? Energy distributor
How frequently is new data made available? Each month/two months depending on the tariff
Access restrictions Data only for the use of the municipality
Data access point Each municipal entity (e.g. School, High school, Library, Swimming Pool etc.) have their own bills/invoices. This data is not accessible in one system – lack of Energy Database and management tools.

Energy source/s Natural Gas
How is the data organized? Depends on the billing period/tariff
Who is the data provider? Energy distributor
How frequently is new data made available? Each month/ two months/once per year (different tariffs)
Access restrictions Data only for the use of the municipality
Data access point Each municipal entity (e.g. School, High school, Library, Swimming Pool etc.) has their own bills/invoices. This data is not accessible in one system – lack of Energy Database and management tools.

Energy source/s District heating
How is the data organized? Every month/per building
Who is the data provider? Energy distributor
How frequently is new data made available? Each month
Access restrictions Data only for the use of the municipality
Data access point Each municipal entity (e.g. School, High school, Library, Swimming Pool etc.) has their own bills/invoices. This data is not accessible in one system – lack of Energy Database and management tools.

Energy source/s Heating oil
How is the data organized? Per year or when the energy is purchased
Who is the data provider? Energy traders
How frequently is new data made available? Every year
Access restrictions Data only for the use of the municipality
Data access point Data available by request

Energy performance of municipal buildings

The table provides information about the data of energy performance of municipal buildings.

Not available.

Energy consumption of non-municipal buildings

Tables provide information about consumption of the specific energy source in non-municipal buildings. Each different energy source can have its own table, or it can be merged with other energy source.

Energy source/s Electricity, natural gas, district heating, heating oil, wood chips etc.
How is the data organized? Different tariffs for households and industry
Who is the data provider? N/A
How frequently is new data made available? N/A
Access restrictions N/A
Data access point We can ask the Energy distributor to share information on the energy consumption per month/year in the City area, but he does not have to provide any data.

Energy performance of non-municipal buildings

The table provides information about the data of energy performance of non-municipal buildings.

Not available.


Energy monitoring vision

Public sector entities are obligated by national energy law to obtain data about energy consumption and costs once per year and to establish energy management system. We would need similar management system for public lighting and public transport. Energy consumption for transport presents appx. 1/3 of final national energy consumption which is the reason to involve transport in energy management system. For public transport monitoring data about fuel consumption per vehicle in public transport is needed. Till now only data about number of km/vehicle was recorded. Public transport energy monitoring should later be implemented in private sector.

According to Decree on limit values due to light pollution of environment energy consumption for public lighting at municipal level should not exceed 44,5 kWh/person/year. To meet the requirements of the Decree monitoring for public lighting is needed. Further it would be also good to have: data about buildings envelope and other buildings data (year of construction, cultural heritage, volume, floor area etc.), standardised electronic bills for easier data acquisition, standardised bills for some fuels (heating oil, wood chips etc.), water consumption and trash. Because some bills also contain other data and thus costs between buildings or municipalities are not comparable.

Available data

Short explanation of the tables:

  • How is the data organized: It could be aggregated, detailed with specific locations, individually recorded per different units, spatial data like maps etc.
  • Who is the data provider: the entity or a person that provides the specific data (municipality, departments, agencies, businesses, individuals etc.)
  • How frequently is new data made available: regularly, periodically and how often, or on request.
  • Access restrictions: is the dataset free, open and available to public or are there any licences needed to use the data.
  • Data access point: URL of the data or contact person who is responsible for access to the resource.

Energy sources (production)

Each table provides information about a specific energy source and the data of that energy source. The tables about utility network types refer to the data of the networks of different energy sources.

Energy source/s Electricity
How is the data organized? On country level per energy type. More detailed data are payable
Who is the data provider? Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia - SURS
How frequently is new data made available? Once a year (per month or ¼ year for electricity)
Access restrictions Open data, available to the public. More detailed data are payable
Data access point ,

Energy source/s Electricity production. Only for renewables, Cogeneration (Natural Gas)
How is the data organized? On country level per energy type. Data on municipality level is payable
Who is the data provider? Borzen (Slovenian Power Market Operator)
How frequently is new data made available? ¼ per year. More detailed data are payable
Access restrictions Open data, available to the public. More detailed data are payable
Data access point ,

Energy source/s Natural Gas
How is the data organized? Per year/per sector (domestic, industry, public buildings…)/per municipality
Who is the data provider? Geoplin d.o.o. Slovenia’s largest natural gas trader and transmission network manager
How frequently is new data made available? Per month
Access restrictions free, but some data is restricted to Municipality
Data access point Data available by request

Energy source/s Other fossil fuels and renewables
How is the data organized? On country level per energy type. More detailed data are payable
Who is the data provider? Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia - SURS
How frequently is new data made available? Once a year (per month or ¼ year for electricity)
Access restrictions Open data, available to the public. More detailed data are payable
Data access point ,

Utility network type/s Electricity and Natural Gas, District heating
How is the data organized? Per month or year/per building
Who is the data provider? Energy distributors
How frequently is new data made available? Every month or year (depends on measuring system)
Access restrictions Payable/per measuring point/
Data access point Data available by request

CO2 emission factors

The table provides information about the factors of CO2 emissions and the data that refers to these factors.

CO2 emission factors
How is the data organized? data available on municipal level for different sectors: municipal buildings, other buildings, transport, public lighting
Who is the data provider? Local energy agency
How frequently is new data made available? every few years BEI/MEI in SECAP
Access restrictions free, open and available to the public
Data access point

Missing data


Nature of data Volume of buildings
Why is it missing? Because there is mostly no 3d models of the buildings

Nature of data Building’s envelope structure (roof construction, walls construction, windows etc)
Why is it missing? For buildings with energy cards energy efficiency can be obtained but not envelope structure. For buildings without energy card there is no data

Nature of data Other data for simulations of energy efficiency of buildings (indoor temperature, regulation, occupancy schedule of the building etc)
Why is it missing? because it is hard to collect and is changing chaotically

Public Lighting

Nature of data Xml invoices are not standardised, but data is mostly available
Why is it missing? Xml Invoices would be better because it is way easier to collect data from xml docs compered to for example pdf docs. Some data is missing because there is no fine for companies that doesn’t include all the necessary data. The standardised form of xml invoices was generated in general (for all invoices – for example telecommunication, insurance, energy…) and because of that are not well defined for particular field.

Public Transport

Nature of data Measured fuel consumption (how many litres of fuels have been filled in gas station)
Why is it missing? For public transport monitoring data about fuel consumption per vehicle in public transport is needed. Till now only data about number of km/vehicle was recorded. Public transport energy monitoring should later be implemented in private sector.

Required ICT tools

Public Lighting

For public lighting data we would need (and we are already developing) the program to parse xml. bills and extract the useful data. Further we would need to find a way (it is possible to do it manually but it takes time) to get the data from different cadastres of public lighting and implement the useful data into our software.

  • Cadastre of street lighting should be updated in some municipalities
  • We will need to finish software to parse different kinds of xml. Documents

Software for some municipalities is already developed.

Public Transport

Software tool for public transport energy monitoring (data regarding energy consumption in transport sector at yearly level). We have identified the need to upgrade the existing tool that we already use for data collection of energy consumption in public buildings also for transport sector. The data collection of transport sector is still under developed and several data is missing. Through the tool development we will be able to collect the data about the fuel consumption/vehicle, number of km/vehicles recorded within single municipality. On a basis of collected data we will be able to elaborate economical, energetical and environmental indicators. This remote web tool will be accessible to final users (public transport performers) and will facilitate also the implementation of strategies at municipal level (SECAPs, local energy concept elaboration). The users of this tool will be trained how to handle the software and how to insert the needed data.

Energy consumption of municipal buildings

Tables provide information about consumption of the specific energy source in municipal buildings. Each different energy source can have its own table, or it can be merged with other energy source.

Energy source/s Electricity, Natural Gas, District heating
How is the data organized? Per month/per building
Who is the data provider? Energy distributors and traders
How frequently is new data made available? Every month
Access restrictions Free for buildings that have energy bookkeeping
Data access point Data available by request

Energy source/s Heating oil, wood chips etc.
How is the data organized? Per year or when the energy is purchased
Who is the data provider? Energy traders
How frequently is new data made available? Every year
Access restrictions Free for buildings that have energy bookkeeping
Data access point Data available by request

Energy performance of municipal buildings

The table provides information about the data of energy performance of municipal buildings.

How is the data organized? Per building
Who is the data provider? Portal prostor, energy bookkeeping
How frequently is new data made available? several times a year
Access restrictions open data, available to the public (but data is not easily accessible – for example if you want data from energy cards you get them on single building level in pdf. format)
Data access point , energy bookkeeping – per request

Energy consumption of non-municipal buildings

Tables provide information about consumption of the specific energy source in non-municipal buildings. Each different energy source can have its own table, or it can be merged with other energy source.

Energy source/s Electricity, Natural Gas, District heating
How is the data organized? Per month/per building
Who is the data provider? Energy distributors, traders, managers of apartment buildings (it is obligatory for multi apartment buildings with more than 6 owners)
How frequently is new data made available? Every month
Access restrictions open data, available upon request aggregated data per sector or per building
Data access point Data available by request, example:

Energy source/s Heating oil, wood chips etc.
How is the data organized? On country level per energy type. More detailed data are payable
Who is the data provider? Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia - SURS
How frequently is new data made available? Not available every year
Access restrictions Open data, available to the public. More detailed data are payable
Data access point ,

Energy performance of non-municipal buildings

The table provides information about the data of energy performance of non-municipal buildings.

How is the data organized? Per building (for buildings that have energy cards). Per building (for efficiency of heat generators – measured every year by chimney sweeping companies)
Who is the data provider? Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning (energy cards), chimney sweeping companies
How frequently is new data made available? several times a year (new energy cards)
Access restrictions open data, available to the public (but data is not easily accessible – for example if you want data from energy cards you get them on single building level in pdf. format)
Data access point , efficiency of heat generators – chimney sweeping companies