V tem delu Toolkit obravnava situacijo področja energije znotraj javnih administracij in področje energetskih podatkov v Sloveniji.
V slovenskem jeziku so posredovane uporabne reference, primeri in različne rešitve s tega področja. Namenjene so podpori in pomoči vsem deležnikom, ki so vključeni ali pa si želijo biti vključeni v so-oblikovanje energetskih dokumentov. Ta razdelek torej omogoča malo bolj neposreden vpogled v trenutne razmere v Sloveniji v zvezi s podatki o energiji in energetiki.
Razdeljen je na navodila, primere, smernice in informacije o energetskem monitoring, IKT orodjih in podatke o energiji.
- Upravljanje z energijo v javnem sektorju (Energy management in the public sector
- ccc
- ddd
- eee
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to be moved from here
Energy monitoring vision
Public sector entities are obligated by national energy law to obtain data about energy consumption and costs once per year and to establish energy management system. We would need similar management system for public lighting and public transport. Energy consumption for transport presents appx. 1/3 of final national energy consumption which is the reason to involve transport in energy management system. For public transport monitoring data about fuel consumption per vehicle in public transport is needed. Till now only data about number of km/vehicle was recorded. Public transport energy monitoring should later be implemented in private sector.
According to Decree on limit values due to light pollution of environment energy consumption for public lighting at municipal level should not exceed 44,5 kWh/person/year. To meet the requirements of the Decree monitoring for public lighting is needed. Further it would be also good to have: data about buildings envelope and other buildings data (year of construction, cultural heritage, volume, floor area etc.), standardised electronic bills for easier data acquisition, standardised bills for some fuels (heating oil, wood chips etc.), water consumption and trash. Because some bills also contain other data and thus costs between buildings or municipalities are not comparable.
Available data
Short explanation of the tables:
- How is the data organized: It could be aggregated, detailed with specific locations, individually recorded per different units, spatial data like maps etc.
- Who is the data provider: the entity or a person that provides the specific data (municipality, departments, agencies, businesses, individuals etc.)
- How frequently is new data made available: regularly, periodically and how often, or on request.
- Access restrictions: is the dataset free, open and available to public or are there any licences needed to use the data.
- Data access point: URL of the data or contact person who is responsible for access to the resource.
Energy sources (production)
Each table provides information about a specific energy source and the data of that energy source. The tables about utility network types refer to the data of the networks of different energy sources.
Energy source/s | Electricity |
How is the data organized? | On country level per energy type. More detailed data are payable |
Who is the data provider? | Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia - SURS |
How frequently is new data made available? | Once a year (per month or ¼ year for electricity) |
Access restrictions | Open data, available to the public. More detailed data are payable |
Data access point | , |
Energy source/s | Electricity production. Only for renewables, Cogeneration (Natural Gas) |
How is the data organized? | On country level per energy type. Data on municipality level is payable |
Who is the data provider? | Borzen (Slovenian Power Market Operator) |
How frequently is new data made available? | ¼ per year. More detailed data are payable |
Access restrictions | Open data, available to the public. More detailed data are payable |
Data access point | , |
Energy source/s | Natural Gas |
How is the data organized? | Per year/per sector (domestic, industry, public buildings…)/per municipality |
Who is the data provider? | Geoplin d.o.o. Slovenia’s largest natural gas trader and transmission network manager |
How frequently is new data made available? | Per month |
Access restrictions | free, but some data is restricted to Municipality |
Data access point | Data available by request |
Energy source/s | Other fossil fuels and renewables |
How is the data organized? | On country level per energy type. More detailed data are payable |
Who is the data provider? | Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia - SURS |
How frequently is new data made available? | Once a year (per month or ¼ year for electricity) |
Access restrictions | Open data, available to the public. More detailed data are payable |
Data access point | , |
Utility network type/s | Electricity and Natural Gas, District heating |
How is the data organized? | Per month or year/per building |
Who is the data provider? | Energy distributors |
How frequently is new data made available? | Every month or year (depends on measuring system) |
Access restrictions | Payable/per measuring point/ |
Data access point | Data available by request |
CO2 emission factors
The table provides information about the factors of CO2 emissions and the data that refers to these factors.
CO2 emission factors | |
How is the data organized? | data available on municipal level for different sectors: municipal buildings, other buildings, transport, public lighting |
Who is the data provider? | Local energy agency |
How frequently is new data made available? | every few years BEI/MEI in SECAP |
Access restrictions | free, open and available to the public |
Data access point | |
Missing data
Nature of data | Volume of buildings |
Why is it missing? | Because there is mostly no 3d models of the buildings |
Nature of data | Building’s envelope structure (roof construction, walls construction, windows etc) |
Why is it missing? | For buildings with energy cards energy efficiency can be obtained but not envelope structure. For buildings without energy card there is no data |
Nature of data | Other data for simulations of energy efficiency of buildings (indoor temperature, regulation, occupancy schedule of the building etc) |
Why is it missing? | because it is hard to collect and is changing chaotically |
Public Lighting
Nature of data | Xml invoices are not standardised, but data is mostly available |
Why is it missing? | Xml Invoices would be better because it is way easier to collect data from xml docs compered to for example pdf docs. Some data is missing because there is no fine for companies that doesn’t include all the necessary data. The standardised form of xml invoices was generated in general (for all invoices – for example telecommunication, insurance, energy…) and because of that are not well defined for particular field. |
Public Transport
Nature of data | Measured fuel consumption (how many litres of fuels have been filled in gas station) |
Why is it missing? | For public transport monitoring data about fuel consumption per vehicle in public transport is needed. Till now only data about number of km/vehicle was recorded. Public transport energy monitoring should later be implemented in private sector. |
Required ICT tools
Public Lighting
For public lighting data we would need (and we are already developing) the program to parse xml. bills and extract the useful data. Further we would need to find a way (it is possible to do it manually but it takes time) to get the data from different cadastres of public lighting and implement the useful data into our software.
- Cadastre of street lighting should be updated in some municipalities
- We will need to finish software to parse different kinds of xml. Documents
Software for some municipalities is already developed.
Public Transport
Software tool for public transport energy monitoring (data regarding energy consumption in transport sector at yearly level). We have identified the need to upgrade the existing tool that we already use for data collection of energy consumption in public buildings also for transport sector. The data collection of transport sector is still under developed and several data is missing. Through the tool development we will be able to collect the data about the fuel consumption/vehicle, number of km/vehicles recorded within single municipality. On a basis of collected data we will be able to elaborate economical, energetical and environmental indicators. This remote web tool will be accessible to final users (public transport performers) and will facilitate also the implementation of strategies at municipal level (SECAPs, local energy concept elaboration). The users of this tool will be trained how to handle the software and how to insert the needed data.