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Ovo poglavlje opisuje hrvatsku situaciju u smislu:

  • Dostupnost energetskih podataka
  • Uloga energetske teme unutar javnih uprava.

Cilj je pružiti korisne reference, primjere i razlicite vrste rješenja za podršku hrvatskim javnim i privatnim operatorima koji su vec ukljuceni ili su zainteresirani za sudjelovanje u definiranju energetskih politika u regijama CitiEnGov.

Odjeljak sadrži smjernice, primjere, modele i informacije o pracenju energije, ICT alate i reference na energetske podatke.

Smjernice i primjeri


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Energy monitoring vision

Croatia has the national base of energy consumption and savings in two national information systems: System for measuring and verifying energy savings (SMIV), Information system for energy management (ISGE). These systems are focal point for City of Split buildings energy management. According to National law on energy efficiency, all energy distributors have the obligation of conducting annual reports on energy consumption. These data are not available on local level, not even if payed. The problem could be resolved in high extent if remote reading devices were installed in all consumption objects, so there could be central energy unit to manage given data and conduct statistical energy reports. All other solutions could be based on changing the rules and policies at national level that can allow transparency of energy data on local level for at least payed usage and statistical research, and not deny the approach in regulative of business secret.

Available data

Short explanation of the tables:

  • How is the data organized: It could be aggregated, detailed with specific locations, individually recorded per different units, spatial data like maps etc.
  • Who is the data provider: the entity or a person that provides the specific data (municipality, departments, agencies, businesses, individuals etc.)
  • How frequently is new data made available: regularly, periodically and how often, or on request.
  • Access restrictions: is the dataset free, open and available to public or are there any licences needed to use the data.
  • Data access point: URL of the data or contact person who is responsible for access to the resource.

Energy sources (production)

Each table provides information about a specific energy source and the data of that energy source. The tables about utility network types refer to the data of the networks of different energy sources.

Energy source/s Biomass, Photovoltaics, Solar thermal, Wind, Fossil fuel – combined heat and power
How is the data organized? Data not organized
Who is the data provider? Energy agency
How frequently is new data made available? Once a year
Access restrictions Marginal cost for data availability
Data access point

Energy source/s District heating
How is the data organized? Individual records
Who is the data provider? Energy distributor
How frequently is new data made available? Once a year or per request
Access restrictions Marginal cost for data availability
Data access point (none)

Energy source/s Hydroelectric
How is the data organized? Individual records
Who is the data provider? Energy distributor
How frequently is new data made available? Once in a month
Access restrictions Available
Data access point

Energy source/s Electricity distribution
How is the data organized? Aggregated as spatial data
Who is the data provider? Energy distributor HEP
How frequently is new data made available? Per request
Access restrictions Open and available to the public
Data access point

CO2 emission factors

The table provides information about the factors of CO2 emissions and the data that refers to these factors.

CO2 emission factors
How is the data organized? Data not available on municipal level for different sectors: municipal buildings, other buildings, transport, public lighting, only on national level
Who is the data provider? Croatian environment agency
How frequently is new data made available? For a couple of years’ period
Access restrictions Marginal cost for data availability
Data access point

Missing data

Nature of data Energy data for alternative energy resources
Why is it missing? Dalmatia region has no Energy agency that can provide statistical analysis and collection of alternative energy data.

Required ICT tools

The problem could be resolved in high extent if remote reading devices were installed in all consumption objects, so there could be central energy unit to manage given data and conduct statistical energy reports.