Questa sezione descrive la situazione italiana in termini:
- disponibilità di dati energetici
- ruolo del tema energetico all'interno delle Pubbliche Amministrazioni.
L'obiettivo è quello di fornire riferimenti utili, esempi e diversi tipi di soluzioni (in italiano) per supportare enti pubblici e operatori privati italiano che siano già coinvolti o abbiano interesse a partecipare alla definizione di politiche energetiche nelle regioni di CitiEnGov.
La sezione include linee guida, esempi, modelli e informazioni sul monitoraggio dell'energia, strumenti ICT e riferimenti a dati energetici.
Linee guida ed esempi
- Catalogo fonti dati energetici dell'Osservatorio Energetico Regionale
- report dei focus group Energy data cafè del progetto CitiEnGov in Emilia-Romagna
- report degli Energy cafè Ferrara organizzati a Ferrara
- risultati degli incontri tecnici del Comune di Ferrara
- progetto BhENEFIT
- progetto BOOSTEE
- progetto FIRECE
- ...
- ...
- ...
- ...
Energy monitoring vision
The energy monitoring vision is declined on three specific application scenarios:
- Energy monitoring for the purposes of the municipal Urban Planning office
- Energy monitoring for the fulfilment of Sustainable Energy Action Plans requirements
- Energy monitoring for the purposes of the municipal Energy office
Energy monitoring for Urban Planning
Urban Planning in Italy, but also in the Emilia Romagna Region and more specifically in the territory of Ferrara over the last decade, has clearly shifted its attention from the expansion of territory to urban regeneration and refurbishment/retrofitting of buildings, due to many concomitant factors (economic crisis, decline in births, excess supply of housing, need for smaller residences, soil consumption and all the problems related). In this contest, being aware of the state of the existing building stock and its energy properties is crucial in order to:
1. Plan structural interventions through public works with municipality funds (three-year public works plans) and external funding (regional and/or European funds) or through partnerships with providers (e.g. for geothermal -or gas- network extension); 2. Design information and awareness raising on activities aimed at reducing costs and pollution (atmospheric emissions but also urban heat islands); 3. Provide targeted incentives (economic incentives, volumetric incentives), as did the Building Regulation of the Municipality of Ferrara), or fiscal incentives, as foreseen in the new Urban Planning Law being approved.
The aim is thus to obtain, for all the buildings in the municipal area:
- The aim is thus to obtain, for all the buildings in the municipal area:
- Main use for the building (+ in the case of residential use: the number of people living there and age; for other uses: the type of activity);
- Annual energy consumption (electricity, cooling, hot water, heating);
- Type and status of building installations using energy (boiler, heating system, air conditioning, heat pump) and producing it (renewable energy sources, RES);
- Information about building renovation and energy refurbishment of buildings
- Energy performance data (e.g. energy performance certificates)
Through the knowledge of these data, it is possible to identify where and how to act and to define energy planning on a municipal scale. An added value of project CitiEnGov could be to start:
- Intersectoral collaboration within the administration, in order to produce and acquire harmonized data; But not just data, also know-how and services to the citizen;
- Similarly, a process between the partners involved (entities, providers, region, stakeholders) to define a protocol for mutual exchange of data
Energy monitoring for Sustainable Energy Action Plans (SEAP) requirements
Energy data useful for developing and monitoring a SEAP can be summarized in:
- Energy building consumption divided by sector of activity (residential, public illumination, industry, transport, agriculture) and by type of fuel;
- Local renewable and non-renewable thermal production data (photovoltaic plants, biogas plants, waste treatment plants, thermal solar plants, vegetable oil, biofuels, other biomasses, geothermal energy);
- District heating network data;
- Comparison of electricity and thermal consumption per capita in relation to other cities in the same region;
- Consumption data of the municipality buildings;
- Consumption data for the Industry sector outside of ETS (Emissions Trading System);
- Energy saving data obtained for each year by energy operators (e.g. ESCO)
Energy monitoring for the Energy Office
For the Energy Office activities it would be important to have accurate information about heating and air conditioning systems for all the buildings in the municipal territory. Emilia Romagna Region is developing CRITER Census, a regional cadastre for thermal plants and installations which should include data on: georeferenced installation position, nominal power, number of devices, energy carrier, plant type (heating, cooling, heat pump).
Available data
Short explanation of the tables:
- How is the data organized: It could be aggregated, detailed with specific locations, individually recorded per different units, spatial data like maps etc.
- Who is the data provider: the entity or a person that provides the specific data (municipality, departments, agencies, businesses, individuals etc.)
- How frequently is new data made available: regularly, periodically and how often, or on request.
- Access restrictions: is the dataset free, open and available to public or are there any licences needed to use the data.
- Data access point: URL of the data or contact person who is responsible for access to the resource.
Energy sources (production)
Each table provides information about a specific energy source and the data of that energy source. The tables about utility network types refer to the data of the networks of different energy sources.
Energy source/s | District heating: combined geothermal and thermovalorization waste |
How is the data organized? | Detailed, point of delivery |
Who is the data provider? | Gruppo HERA |
How frequently is new data made available? | On request |
Access restrictions | Data can be used only for institutional purposes |
Data access point | |
Energy source/s | Photovoltaics, solar thermal, RES |
How is the data organized? | individual records |
Who is the data provider? | GSE (Gestore Servizi energetici) |
How frequently is new data made available? | once a year |
Access restrictions | Free of charge |
Data access point | |
Utility network type/s | electricity distribution |
How is the data organized? | Detailed, as spatial data (maps) Related data: voltage |
Who is the data provider? | Emilia Romagna Region |
How frequently is new data made available? | regularly (usually once a year) |
Access restrictions | free |
Data access point | |
Utility network type/s | Gas |
How is the data organized? | Detailed, as spatial data (maps) |
Who is the data provider? | Hera - Rete SNAM |
How frequently is new data made available? | On request |
Access restrictions | free, but restricted to Municipality |
Data access point | |
Utility network type/s | District heating |
How is the data organized? | Detailed, as spatial data (maps) |
Who is the data provider? | Gruppo HERA |
How frequently is new data made available? | On request |
Access restrictions | free, but restricted to Municipality |
Data access point | |
CO2 emission factors
The table provides information about the factors of CO2 emissions and the data that refers to these factors.
CO2 emission factors | |
How is the data organized? | data available at municipal level for different sectors: municipal buildings, other buildings, transport, public lighting |
Who is the data provider? | Local energy agency; Emilia Romagna Region |
How frequently is new data made available? | every few years |
Access restrictions | free, open and available to the public |
Data access point | - |
Missing data
What is missing for Urban Planning purposes
In general, the interest of administrators at every level on energy data has increased, but there is still no structured plan for the production, maintenance, transmission and standardization of building energy data.
What follows are some considerations on the current status of data availability:
- There is a good availability of data concerning buildings (surface area, volume, type of use, residents);
- In terms of consumption, data is available from some sources (the National Tax Agency), but there are difficulties in transmitting data; sometimes data is not of good quality; and finally, data are not harmonized with municipal data (toponym, land register);
- Emilia Romagna Region owns and manages the database of energy performance certificates, but there are difficulties in obtaining these data even for municipalities (and only on request). Moreover, data is partial and of poor quality;
- Regarding the energy data in renovated building, a monitoring was started in January 2016 (georeferencing the intervention, typology, expected energy performance, use of renewable sources);
Nature of data | monitoring of the accounting systems for energy consumption in multi occupied buildings |
Why is it missing? | The municipality does not have an archiving system; Perhaps available from other Entities (ENEA, National Tax Agency) but not available at present |
Nature of data | Regional Cadastre of thermal plants |
Why is it missing? | The cadastre in Ferrara will be active from 2019 - |
Nature of data | Wood/Pellet Stove consumption |
Why is it missing? | They are not censed |
What is missing for Sustainable Energy Action Plans (SEAP) requirements
Nature of data | Electricity consumption data |
Why is it missing? | The provider does not provide electricity consumption about category: TRANSPORT for small-medium cities such as Ferrara |
Nature of data | Natural gas consumption data |
Why is it missing? | The provider does not provide data divided by SECTOR but by type of contract (use kitchen, use of kitchen and heating and HDW, tertiary). The data do not specify if consumption is directed to single unit building or shared unit buildings |
Nature of data | Other fuels data |
Why is it missing? | Data are estimated for the municipality on the basis of the provincial consumption data provided by the National Petroleum Bulletin - |
Nature of data | Local Energy production data |
Why is it missing? | There is no single referent who collects and provides data |
Nature of data | Fossil fuels outside the public network |
Why is it missing? | They are not censed |
Required ICT tools
Tool requirements for Urban Planning purposes
In the municipality of Ferrara the management system of building permits has been implemented with a section dedicated to the monitoring of energy data related to building renovations (and new constructions). The aim is the monitoring of improvements in the energy performance of the buildings. Moreover, a new webgis platform is under construction, which will include a section - called “energy dashboard” - about energy data consumption of buildings, offering the possibility of visualizing a map of real annual energy consumption at the building level. About the ICT tools, the Municipality needs:
- GIS support for data produced and maintained by the municipality;
- Treatment and standardization for data produced by other entities;
- Support in the definition of technical specifications for data transmission with other public administrations;
Tool requirements for Sustainable Energy Action Plans (SEAP) requirements
A very useful tool would be one that every two years allows to compare the goals of the SEAP between the city of Ferrara and the other experiences of the SEAP in the neighbouring territories in terms of proposed objectives, results of implemented actions, savings targets and renewable energies, CO2 emission factors use.
Tool requirements for Energy Office purposes
The energy office needs to improve the management software currently used for consumption forecast and the final energy reporting (for each thermal season) of the buildings under its management (municipal buildings). The software should simulate the building's energy needs during the occupancy hours for individual buildings and help in defining the correct allocation of energy consumption for individual users in multi-user buildings.