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(Available data)
(Energy sources (production))
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{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
| style="font-style: italic;" | Energy source/s
| style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;" | Energy source/s
| style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;" | District heating: biomass (wood chip)
| style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;" | District heating: biomass (wood chip)
| style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;" | Photovoltaics, solar thermal, RES
| style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;" | Photovoltaics, solar thermal, RES
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| style="text-align: center;" | http://www.e-netze.at
| style="text-align: center;" | http://www.e-netze.at
=== Energy consumption of municipal buildings ===
=== Energy consumption of municipal buildings ===

Revision as of 13:57, 29 January 2018


Energy monitoring vision

In Austria energy data and climatic data are regularly collected, stored and published in various databases, reports and documents. Public and private organizations are constantly working on the evaluation and interpretation of these data:

  • Statistic Austria, E-Control
  • Climate- and Energy- Funds
  • Federal Ministry (BML, BMWFW, BMVIT)
  • provincial governments (statistical departments, GIS)
  • Social partners and chambers (Chamber of Labour, Chamber of Commerce, Association of Industry, ÖGB)
  • Universities and Research Organisations
  • National and regional Energy Agencies
  • National and regional energy utilities (electricity, gas, fuel)
  • Cities and municipalities
  • “EU-Regional managements”
  • Energy- and climate consulting and project companies
  • NGOs (e.g. Green Peace, Global 2000)
  • City- and regional- planer, technical offices for energy, environment and traffic

With these collected energy and climate data, regular energy and climate monitoring reports (e.g. annual energy and climate reporting) and studies for specific events and topics, as well as for different levels (state, country, district, municipality) can be written.

  • Energy and climate strategies
  • Spatial and city planning, settlement development
  • Mobility development
  • Emission and energy balance
  • Implementation of renewable energy systems
  • Sustainable concepts (Sustainable Energy Action Plans)
  • Energy accounting for public buildings

At national and regional level, energy supply companies (energy suppliers) are required to supply energy (natural gas, electricity, oil, fuels) and emission data to public statistics organizations. On local level, energy is used for various purposes (housing, transport, business, etc.). But, data on energy consumption is scarce and is distributed to individual consumer groups by random sampling. This methodology does not allow a local exact assignment. Within the framework of the CitiEnGov project, procedures and procedures are developed and tested which allow a better understanding of energy consumption. This results in a better basis for planning.

  • Urban planning
  • Sustainable Energy Action Plan -SEAP und Sustainable Energy Climate Action Plan –SECAP
  • Energy consulting

The data sources should contain the following parameters:

  • Local GIS pre-location per object and energy user:
  • Use of the object (type of use, year of construction, persons, mobility)
  • Energy efficiency and renewable energy (energy rating, solar / PV, building retrofit)

On the basis of these data energy saving planning, urban development, traffic and climate planning as well as consulting per objects can be supported. The collected data are not publicly available, they are only available to authorized planners and consultants of the region and municipalities. This data quality is intended to enable local decision-makers to set realistic goals, strategies and measures and to verify their successful compliance. Through the local energy agencies and public advisory offices, companies and the population can benefit from this common knowledge.

Available data

Short explanation of the tables:

  • How is the data organized: It could be aggregated, detailed with specific locations, individually recorded per different units, spatial data like maps etc.
  • Who is the data provider: the entity or a person that provides the specific data (municipality, departments, agencies, businesses, individuals etc.)
  • How frequently is new data made available: regularly, periodically and how often, or on request.
  • Access restrictions: is the dataset free, open and available to public or are there any licences needed to use the data.
  • Data access point: URL of the data or contact person who is responsible for access to the resource.

Energy sources (production)

Each table provides information about a specific energy source and the data of that energy source. The tables about utility network types refer to the data of the networks of different energy sources.

Energy source/s District heating: biomass (wood chip) Photovoltaics, solar thermal, RES Electricity distribution Gas
How is the data organized? (aggregated, detailed, etc) Detailed, point of delivery individual records Detailed, as spatial data, grid map for main grids. Related data: power, transformer station (> 200 kW) Detailed, as spatial data (maps)
Who is the data provider? District heating Weiz: Fernwärme Weiz GmbH Municipality of Weiz, department environment and transport Energie Netze Steiermark AG Energie Netze Steiermark AG
How frequently is new data made available? On request On request Regularly (usually once a year) On request
Access restrictions (are there licenses for use? Is the dataset free, open and available to the public?) Detailed data can be used only for institutional purposes. Aggregated data are available for public use Free of charge, individual data (e.g. per building) are not allowed, aggregated data are available for public use Detailed data can be used only for institutional purposes. Aggregated data are available for public use Detailed data can be used only for institutional purposes. Aggregated data are available for public use
Data access point (URL or contact person to have access to the resource) http://www.fwgweiz.at ; gerhard.hierz@weiz.at barbara.kulmer@weiz.at http://www.e-steiermark.com http://www.e-netze.at

Energy consumption of municipal buildings

Tables provide information about consumption of the specific energy source in municipal buildings. Each different energy source can have its own table, or it can be merged with other energy source.

Energy source/s Biofuel, Natural Gas, Geothermal Electricity
How is the data organized? (aggregated, detailed, etc) Individual records (for each building) Individual records
Who is the data provider? Municipality of Weiz, department “public buildings” Municipality of Weiz, department “public buildings”
How frequently is new data made available? On request One a year based on annual account provided by energy distributer (Energie Steiermark)
Access restrictions (are there licenses for use? Is the dataset free, open and available to the public?) Individual records are not public. Overall buildings energy consumption just on request available. Available from bills
Data access point (URL or contact person to have access to the resource) City of Weiz, department “public buildings” (gerhard.hierz@weiz.at) City of Weiz, department “public buildings” (gerhard.hierz@weiz.at)

Energy performance of municipal buildings

The table provides information about the data of energy performance of municipal buildings.

How is the data organized? (aggregated, detailed, etc) Detailed for building
Who is the data provider? Municipality of Weiz, department “public buildings”
How frequently is new data made available? As provided for sectoral legislation
Access restrictions (are there licenses for use? Is the dataset free, open and available to the public?) Free of charge
Data access point (URL or contact person to have access to the resource) City of Weiz, department “public buildings”

Energy consumption of non-municipal buildings

Tables provide information about consumption of the specific energy source in non-municipal buildings. Each different energy source can have its own table, or it can be merged with other energy source.

Energy source/s Electricity, natural gas, district heating, fuel oil, biomass
How is the data organized? (aggregated, detailed, etc) Regular Household and Business survey
Who is the data provider? Single households and business buildings
How frequently is new data made available? Every 5 years
Access restrictions (are there licenses for use? Is the dataset free, open and available to the public?) Data available only to Public Authorities
Data access point (URL or contact person to have access to the resource) Energy Agency Weiz - Innovation Centre Weiz (franz.kern@w-e-i-z.com)

Energy performance of non-municipal buildings

The table provides information about the data of energy performance of non-municipal buildings.

How is the data organized? (aggregated, detailed, etc) Single unit building
Who is the data provider? Municipality of Weiz, GWR (Building and residence database)
How frequently is new data made available? Monthly
Access restrictions (are there licenses for use? Is the dataset free, open and available to the public?) Data available only to Public Authorities
Data access point (URL or contact person to have access to the resource) ingrid.tröster@weiz.at

Energy consumption for transport

The tables provide information about the consumption of energy for transportation uses and about the data of the consumption. Each table has a specific category of transport and it could be: municipal fleet vehicles, public transport or private/commercial transport.

Municipal fleet
How is the data organized? (aggregated, detailed, etc) a) Number of vehicles, b) Fuel type of vehicles, c) km per year of each vehicle, d) Fuel consumption [kg / litre] for each municipal vehicle
Who is the data provider? Municipality of Weiz, department “Bauhof”
How frequently is new data made available? Once a year
Access restrictions (are there licenses for use? Is the dataset free, open and available to the public?) On request
Data access point (URL or contact person to have access to the resource) gerald.egger@weiz.at
Public transport

Data on public transport in Weiz is not available.

Private and commercial transport
How is the data organized? (aggregated, detailed, etc) Aggregated at district level
Who is the data provider? Government of Styria
How frequently is new data made available? On request
Access restrictions (are there licenses for use? Is the dataset free, open and available to the public?) Free of charge
Data access point (URL or contact person to have access to the resource) http://www.verkehr.steiermark.at/weiz

Transport network data

The tables provide information about different type of transport network that is available. Transport networks could be spatial maps (cadastres) of roads, railways, bike lanes, public transport lines and any other type of transport network.

Utility network type/s Cadastre of transport networks (roads, railways, waterways)
How is the data organized?(aggregated, detailed, etc) Spatial data (maps), GIS
Who is the data provider? Government of Styria
How frequently is new data made available? Every 5 years
Access restrictions (are there licenses for use? Is the dataset free, open and available to the public?) Free, on request
Data access point (URL or contact person to have access to the resource) http://www.gis2.stmk.gv.at

Utility network type/s Bike lanes
How is the data organized?(aggregated, detailed, etc) Spatial data (maps)
Who is the data provider? Government of Styria
How frequently is new data made available? Every 5 years
Access restrictions (are there licenses for use? Is the dataset free, open and available to the public?) Free, on request
Data access point (URL or contact person to have access to the resource) http://www.gis2.stmk.gv.at

Utility network type/s Public Transport (Bus lines)
How is the data organized?(aggregated, detailed, etc) Detailed per bus line
Who is the data provider? Regional transport association (“Verbundlinie”)
How frequently is new data made available? Once a year
Access restrictions (are there licenses for use? Is the dataset free, open and available to the public?) Free of charge
Data access point (URL or contact person to have access to the resource) http://www.verbundlinie.at

Energy consumption for public lighting

The tables provide information about the consumption of energy for public lighting and data about the network of public lighting.

Energy source/s Electricity
How is the data organized?(aggregated, detailed, etc) Detailed, with spatial data (location of each light)
Who is the data provider? Municipality of Weiz, department of public building and lightening
How frequently is new data made available? Once per year
Access restrictions (are there licenses for use? Is the dataset free, open and available to the public?) On request
Data access point (URL or contact person to have access to the resource) http://www.weiz.at - erich.schwarz@weiz.at

Utility network type/s cadastre of street lighting
How is the data organized?(aggregated, detailed, etc) Recorded street lightening systems per street
Who is the data provider? Municipality
How frequently is new data made available? Once per year
Access restrictions (are there licenses for use? Is the dataset free, open and available to the public?) Free, but restricted to municipality
Data access point (URL or contact person to have access to the resource) http://www.gis2.stmk.gv.at

CO2 emission factors

The table provides information about the factors of CO2 emissions and the data that refers to these factors.

CO2 emission factors
How is the data organized? (aggregated, detailed, etc) a) Data available at municipal level for different sectors: municipal buildings, other buildings, transport, public lighting
Who is the data provider? Municipality Weiz, department environment and transport
How frequently is new data made available? Periodically every 5 years
Access restrictions (are there licenses for use? Is the dataset free, open and available to the public?) Free, open and available to the public
Data access point (URL or contact person to have access to the resource) http://www.weiz.at - gottfried.derler@weiz.at

Missing data

Data for Urban Planning

For the city planning, the city of Weiz has its own GIS data management system which records and updates the local infrastructure (gas, electricity, water, waste water, district heating). Within the scope of spatial planning, the land, buildings, technical infrastructure and traffic situation for the strategic future planning of the city of Weiz are re-evaluated and documented every five years. The buildings (residential, commercial and public buildings) are recorded in the local GWR (building housing register) and kept as up-to-date as possible by the building authorities of the city of Weiz. Each building is a data set and contains, among other things, Address, type of building, gross floor area, energy rating, type of energy source, heating system)

Nature of data GIS data management system
Why is it missing? Older (before 2000) infrastructure data of existing pipelines and installations have not been measured yet. These are only carried out for new road and infrastructure (additionally included)

Nature of data Spatial planning of the city of Weiz
Why is it missing? Detailed data on buildings, land areas, traffic data (car, truck), parking areas, public transport are missing.

Nature of data Building housing register
Why is it missing? Overall data (address (90%) building (70%), heating (20%), energy rating (<10%) are incomplete and would have to be reprocessed.

What is missing for Sustainable Energy Action Plans (SEAP) requirements

Nature of data Electricity and Gas consumption data
Data Related issues The providers do not provide electricity and gas consumption at all for any municipalities

Nature of data Transport
Data Related issues On a local level, there are only individually collected data through irregularly conducted traffic counts of individual traffic (cars). Energy consumption per km / household or km / operation are only available statistically. Local assignments (where the vehicles are stationed) are missing.

Nature of data Other fuels data (heating and production)
Data Related issues Energy carriers (fuels) per building are only available if these are entered in the GWR. Process energy (industry, trade, food, etc.) are largely non-existent and must be collected individually. This data is currently not stored centrally.

Required ICT tools

Tool requirements for Urban Planning purposes

Each municipality must have its own GIS system for the local infrastructure (electricity, gas, district heating, roads, public lighting) and buildings (private, public and offices). Building, energy (heating, electricity, production) and traffic data (number: cars, bicycles, trucks, km-power: kilometres travelled per vehicle, energy demand: fuel / vehicle) can then be recorded and evaluated. These data should be kept up-to-date and should be checked randomly every 5 years.

Tool requirements for Sustainable Energy Action Plans (SEAP) requirements

In the regions of the Eastern part of Styria there are some municipalities that have developed a SEAP. A SECAP has not been developed yet in this region. The city of Weiz has to develop a corresponding SECAP out of strategies for energy actions. ICT tools will be developed for the documentation and presentation for political decision-makers as well as for implementation partners (citizens, enterprises). These tools can be used be used by other municipalities and regions and thus also to facilitate better comparability between the municipalities and the regions. At the level of Styria, these local SECAPs can be merged into a SECAP Styria with common goals and individual actions to achieve national and EU energy and EU climate goals.

Tool requirements for Energy Office purposes

The W.E.I.Z. as a regional energy agency uses ICT tools such as GIS, GWR, SECAP, together with the energy and environmental departments of the city of Weiz for the data input, data archiving and for the data analysis. In the context of events, workshops and media campaigns for the topics of "Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency and Climate Change", the constantly updated energy and climate databases are provided to the local actors as an argumentative aid for political and economic decisions on investments and projects. Through the publication of compact data and charts on the world wide web pages, newspapers, public screens and folders, the real situation of the energy demand, CO2 emissions and the climate change of the population should be made visible. Reactions and actions for sustainable improvement for energy and climate are to be incorporated into the databases of the respective energy divisions of the city. The energy agency is supporting the individual energy and climate promoters through technical and financial information.